Support for a thriving Rhode Island

Through deep engagement and discussion with the public, collaboration with our partners, research, and data analysis, we have evolved our approach to charitable giving, grantmaking and investments, convening, capacity building, and advocacy. Thanks to this feedback from the community, our grant programs are evolving in step with our Five-Year Action Plan and aligning with our Community Priorities.

We now offer three core grant programs to support organizations advancing these priorities, including a simplified application process, and continue to offer topic- and geography-specific program grants, as well as scholarship and fellowships to support Rhode Islanders pursuing higher education, personal, and professional development opportunities.

To receive all the latest information about our grant programs and scholarship opportunities, sign up for our monthly e-news.                    

Teacher speaking

Our core grant programs

Our core grant programs support organizations advancing community priorities and related focus areas, as described in the Foundation's Five-Year Action Plan. Learn more and apply here for the Foundation's three core grant programs: Catalyst Grants, Community Priority Grants, and Capacity Building Grants

Core grant program opportunities

Women in a garden

Special grant programs

Apply here for grants from our programs that are topic- and geography-specific - programs like Newport County Fund Grants, Program for Animal Welfare Grants, and many more.

Special grant program opportunities

Scholarship recipient

Scholarships and fellowships

Learn, grow, create, or travel – check out our many scholarship and fellowship opportunities. All Rhode Island students, regardless of immigration status, are eligible to apply

Browse scholarships