Beginning in 2023, the Rhode Island Foundation spent more than a year conducting a careful assessment of our work and engaging deeply with Rhode Islanders from diverse backgrounds and experiences. The outcome is an evolved mission and Five-Year Action Plan that is informed by the people we serve.
Through deep engagement and discussion with the public, collaboration with our partners, research, and data analysis, we identified six community priorities that are essential for a thriving Rhode Island. These priorities were consistently voiced by the community we serve and will guide the Rhode Island Foundation’s efforts in the years ahead.
The Catalyst Grant program is one of our three core grant programs and primarily provides larger and multi-year grants to support innovative initiatives focused on catalyzing change and creating lasting progress that responds to one or more of the community priorities, and related focus areas, in the Foundation's Five-Year Action Plan. Applications that demonstrate strong collaboration among organizations and across sectors will be prioritized.
At the center of each community priority is a focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, and access (DEIA), ensuring that our efforts address systemic inequities and support thriving communities.
Wondering if you should apply for a Catalyst Grant? Here are some things to consider.
This is a core Foundation grant program providing larger and multi-year grants to innovative initiatives focused on catalyzing change and lasting progress both within and across community priorities.
The primary goal of the program is to support collaborations that can implement innovative approaches by breaking down barriers that have prevented progress in the past. Funding can be used to develop new innovative partnerships or support existing collaborations that seek to expand and include additional partners.
Applicants can apply once a year and are only eligible for one Catalyst Grant award per grant cycle. You can access a timeline of the 2025 grant cycles and important dates here.
Catalyst Grants will prioritize collaborations across community priorities. Collaborations should include a Rhode Island-based organization as lead that has consistently demonstrated impact within or across priorities and focus areas.
Collaborations can take on many forms including: multiple organizations working together to achieve common goals or objectives under a formalized structure like a coalition or collective or a lead organization supported by one or more organizations to problem solve or create something new. Examples of partner organizations can include state and local government, and/or academic institutions in addition to nonprofit organizations.
Additional priority will be given to applications from collaborations led by and/or serving members of historically marginalized communities.
This program will not fund individuals, for-profit entities, event sponsorships, or capital projects.
We anticipate the maximum grant award will be $250,000 per year, and up to three years of funding may be requested.
- Collaboration strength: Your partnership should have the infrastructure and capacity to implement the initiative, and a clear demonstration of how partners will be accountable to each other, develop shared goals and outcomes, and demonstrate collective impact.
- Lead applicant capacity: The application lead should be a Rhode Island based 501(c)(3)-nonprofit with project management and leadership skills, including experience coordinating and managing multiple projects and priorities simultaneously. Additionally, the organization should have strong board and staff leadership, sound financial health, and evidence of connection with the community served.
- Potential for community impact: Your proposal aligns with one or more of the priorities, and related focus areas, identified by the community and included in the Foundation's Five-Year Action Plan, includes a well-defined opportunity to catalyze change and lasting progress, and a clear explanation of why this new initiative is well- positioned to address that opportunity (particularly where previous efforts have not been successful).
- Initiatives that empower community: Your proposal demonstrates that there is trust and engagement with the population served through the proposed initiative, and that the initiative will respond to the needs and priorities of residents impacted by the work by ensuring resident voice is part of the planning process.
- Sound implementation plan: You have provided a feasible and aligned project budget, demonstrate adequate capacity, and have a plan to track progress and outcomes, including a commitment to measurement and data sharing between partners. You have defined how your organization is positioned to serve as the lead and described the roles and level of funding of partner organizations in the collaborative.
- Sustainability plan: You have an identified path towards sustainability, with the understanding that sustainability can come in many different forms and timelines.
Application process
Grants for this program are offered once a year. To ensure greater equity and improve access and the ease of applying for a grant, we will have a two-stage process starting with a simple pre-application followed by completion of a full application if there is a funding opportunity that may be a good match for the applicant’s proposal. Collaborations can apply once a year and are only eligible for one Catalyst Grant award per grant cycle.
Interested collaborations must complete a brief pre-application.
- The pre-application will open on March 10, 2025.
- After review by the Grants and Community Investments team, you will be notified by email if your collaboration advances to the second stage to complete a full application.
- The pre-application may be previewed by clicking here.
- The deadline for submitting a Catalyst Grant pre-application is April 30, 2025.
The Catalyst Grant pre-application will be available on the Foundation's online grants portal on March 10, 2025.
Full application
If there is a potential funding opportunity that may be a good match for the pre-applicant’s proposal, they will proceed to the full application stage.
- If your proposal advances, you will receive an email link inviting you to submit a full application.
- The application package consists of a narrative with details about the project and any collaboration, expected outcomes, and a budget.
- Organizations advancing after the pre-application stage can access, complete, and submit a full application here.
- Notifications will be made in early October.
Grant awards
Grantees may be asked about the progress of their project and to submit a final report describing the success of the project compared to its original goals.
From time to time, the Foundation team may organize meetings of grantees to share experiences, lessons learned, and ways we might be able to improve our processes and partnerships with grantees.