Newport County Fund Grants

Grant deadline: March 28, 2025

Grants from the Newport County Fund range from $1,000 to $10,000. Grants are awarded where a relatively small amount of money can be of strategic assistance to eligible organizations.

Program focus and priorities

The following are among areas where grants may be awarded:

  • Project development support for new programs
  • Strengthening and/or expanding established community programs and services
  • Community or municipal planning and/or leadership
  • Policy or advocacy efforts on behalf of community concerns

Successful applications will demonstrate

  • Alignment with the intent of the Newport County Fund grant program to serve one or more of the communities in Newport County
  • Focus on a significant problem or opportunity in the county
  • Strategic partnerships or collaboration
  • Proven or innovative in approach
  • Capacity and leadership to complete the proposed work
  • Measurable results
  • A plan for long-term sustainability of the program or project

Wondering if your organization is eligible?

Nonprofit, 501(c) organizations and municipal departments located and operating in Newport County are eligible to apply. Organizations that provide services or programs in Newport County also are eligible.

The Newport County Fund does not fund individuals or scholarships, performances, capital or endowment efforts, medical research, debt reduction, fundraising events, or campaigns to elect candidates to public office. Grants may support faith-based organizations for secular programs or projects.

As a Foundation-established fund with geographic focus, the Newport County Fund awards grants that serve to supplement, not replace, the Foundation’s current statewide grantmaking programs. Grant support from the Newport County Fund will not reduce eligibility to apply to The Rhode Island Foundation for other grant support.

Grants are awarded annually, on a year-to-year basis. Successful projects may reapply for additional funding, but the Newport County Fund does not make multi-year commitments.

Application deadline

The deadline to apply for this grant program is March 28, 2025.

To apply

A complete application package includes:

  • Completed application form, submitted through our online system;
  • Completed budget form, also submitted through our online system;
  • A list of the current board of directors for the applicant organization;
  • The applicant organization's current operating budget;
  • 501(c) documentation (for new applicants only); and
  • A scope of work (this applies only to organizations requesting funding for consultant services).

Applications are available six weeks prior to the deadline.

To complete an application that is already in progress, and to submit, please click here.