Media release

Nonprofits can apply for $114,000 in grants for programs that serve the state’s Black community

The Fund gives priority to equity, education, social justice and economic empowerment of the Black community in three core areas, with a long-term goal of systemic change.

Nonprofit organizations that serve the state’s Black community have until September 13 to apply for funding through the Black Philanthropy Bannister Fund at the Rhode Island Foundation. The funding opportunity comes during Black Philanthropy Month.  

“There is no more appropriate time to support the work of organizations that are challenging the historic causes of inequity,” said David N. Cicilline, president and CEO. “Together with our donors, community leaders and nonprofit partners, we can reduce disparities and close achievement gaps in order to promote a better future for all Rhode Islanders.”  

Grants will support community-based organizations – particularly those that have significant Black representation among their staff and board of directors – that uplift low-income Black Rhode Islanders through programs that create pathways to financial stability and achievement, provide youth development and mentoring opportunities to urban Black youth, and support and promote the history, culture and achievements of Blacks in Rhode Island.  

“Our aim is to support work that strengthens and empowers this community. We’re targeting organizations that focus on the unique needs of Rhode Island’s Black community, including those nonprofits that have a tradition of serving the community,” said Angie Ankoma, the vice president who oversees the program at the Foundation. For more information about applying for a Black Philanthropy Bannister Fund grant, visit  

Earlier this year, two dozen organizations received grants ranging from $2,500 to $10,000, including FirstWorks, Juneteenth RI, Rhode Islanders Sponsoring Education (RISE) and the Southside Community Land Trust. Learn more about all the grant recipients at  

In addition to the grant program, the fund also offers scholarship assistance for Black students who are pursuing or advancing a career in health care at an accredited institution and are Rhode Island residents who demonstrate financial need. Scholarship requests can be submitted after January 1, 2025.  

The Black Philanthropy Bannister Fund was established in 2007 to address the needs of the Black community. Over the years, more than $1.2 million in grants and scholarships have been awarded. Grants are offered to support nonprofits that provide youth development and mentoring, promote the history and achievements of Blacks in Rhode Island, preserve the culture of the Black community and strive to uplift low-income Black Rhode Islanders.   

Additionally, the Fund is just one way the Foundation supports nonprofits that serve Rhode Island’s communities of color. Recent grants also include nearly $1.2 million to increase the number of teachers of color in urban school districts, $1.4 million to support a racially, culturally, ethnically and linguistically diverse health care workforce and nearly $2.2 million to help dismantle the fundamental causes of systemic racism in Rhode Island. 

Members of the public can support the fund’s work by donating online or by contacting Christine Pellegri at

The Rhode Island Foundation is the largest and most comprehensive funder of nonprofit organizations in Rhode Island. Through civic leadership, fundraising and grant-making activities, often in partnership with individuals and organizations, the Foundation is helping improve the lives of all Rhode Islanders.