Who gives? Wayne Durfee
April 04, 2024Donors
Sisters without heirs continue their family legacy
April 04, 2024Grants & Scholarships
A young scholar finds herself
April 04, 2024Impact
How to make house calls for people without houses
April 04, 2024Grants & Scholarships
The barriers are big. The dreams are bigger.
April 03, 2024Donors
Jeannine Chartier Fund
March 25, 2024Civic Leadership
Strengthening local journalism one reporter at a time
November 21, 2023Donors
Their talent made our world more beautiful - their gift will keep it going
November 20, 2023Grants & Scholarships
A local and a legend - how a Providence woman is launching a film career
November 20, 2023Professional Advisors
The unassuming expert - Kristin Matsko, Esq.
November 20, 2023Grants & Scholarships
A challenge so big, there's only way to solve it: together
November 20, 2023Donors