Conquering the Basics
Conquering the Basics in 2024 is a workshop series focused on the fundamentals of nonprofit work. Sessions will provide an introductory level exploration of key nonprofit systems and concepts to help demystify nonprofit best practices. This program is geared toward any nonprofit staff at management or leadership levels, as well as board members. Participants may enroll in all workshops or select those that are most applicable to their role.
Workshops are limited to 25 registrants per session to allow for engagement among audience members. Each workshop will also feature a concrete takeaway: a plan, format, or approach that can be applied to your organization.
All workshops will be held in-person at the Rhode Island Foundation and will run from 12:00-1:30pm. Lunch will be provided at no cost to participants. Click any workshop title below to register.*
*As of January 21, multiple workshops are at capacity. We have created wait list(s) for those sessions. If you would like to be placed on a wait list, please complete this form and indicate which session(s) you wish to attend. We will do our best to support your needs.
Understanding your value proposition: mission, vision, values and setting strategy
Friday, February 16, 12:00-1:30pm
Understanding the relationship of mission, vision and values to key functions and processes of an organization is critical to any nonprofit’s success. We will help identify the culture and practices that support a mission and values-focused organization. The basics for strategic planning will also be addressed.
The takeaway: the framework for creating a strategic plan that captures your organization’s value proposition.
How to create and follow a budget
Friday, March 1, 12:00-1:30pm
Budgeting requires a clear understanding of your income and expenses. Learn how to properly identify and track funding and expenses so that you come away with a realistic plan for running (or building) your own program.
The takeaway: a budget format for your program.
What does a nonprofit board do and how can I join one?
Friday, March 22, 12:00-1:30pm
Every nonprofit organization has a board, but there can be a lot of confusion about who’s on the board and what they’re supposed to do. Come earn the basics of board governance to prepare yourself to be a current or future board member.
The Takeaway: a clear set of responsibilities for board members.
The ingredients for successful nonprofit fundraising
Wednesday, April 10, 12:00-1:30pm
This workshop will cover the dos and don’ts of developing the best fundraising plan for your organization. Engaging events, compelling direct mail pieces and loyal annual/major gift donors are some of the elements that make a sustainable development program and will be covered here. In addition, participants will learn how to apply the fundamentals of building relationships with funders and donors.
The Takeaway: a comprehensive fundraising plan format.
Understanding your nonprofit’s impact
Wednesday, May 1, 12:00-1:30pm
All nonprofit leaders should be able to talk about the difference they are making in the world. In this workshop, you will learn the key components to creating a successful impact assessment plan for your program or nonprofit. You will learn about methodology, data collection tools, and basic data analysis.
The Takeaway: a framework for a logic model and a data collection plan.
How to write a grant proposal
Wednesday, May 29, 12:00-1:30pm
Submitting a grant proposal requires much more than a good idea. Successful proposals entail strong concepts, a solid budget, a compelling case, clear-writing and other pre-application considerations. You will hear tips and learn about tools to successfully complete a grant seeing process – knowing when to contact the funder, deciding if your project is a good fir for a funder, writing the application and what to do after the grant.
The Takeaway: a clear set of guidelines for the grant seeking process.
Make your meetings work for you
Wednesday, June 19, 12:00-1:30pm
Does your staff or board cringe at the idea of one more meeting? Do you want to get the most out of community meetings that can sometimes fall flat? In this workshop, we’ll cover the basics of meeting facilitation, as well as the important things to do before, during and after your meetings to make your organizational leaders eager to return.
The Takeaway: a blueprint for successful meeting preparation, facilitation, and follow-up.