The Rhode Island Supreme Court Historical Society Fund was established in 1998 to perpetuate the history of the Supreme Court and the Rhode Island judicial system. The fund was created from the remaining funds of the Rhode Island Supreme Court Historical Society.
Grants from this fund may support nonprofit organizations that wish to provide programs that preserve the history of the Rhode Island Supreme Court and the Rhode Island judicial system, preserve artifacts and records of the courts system, publish works of history about Rhode Island legal history, and offer public forums about Rhode Island legal and constitutional history.
Organizations should provide matching resources in funds or through in-kind services. Funds may not be used for the purchase of equipment.
Applicants are encouraged to also look at the Joseph O’Neill Ott Fund to see if their project meets that fund’s similar requirements.
Application deadline
Grants are awarded annually. The 2025 application deadline is 3:00 p.m. (EST) on May 12.
To apply
A complete application includes:
- Completed application form, submitted through our online system (Please complete the Small Grant Programs application to apply for this grant.); and
- Completed budget form, also submitted through our online system.
Applications are available six weeks prior to the deadline.
To complete an application that is already in progress, and to submit, please click here.