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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Est. 2009 /
Dr. Eric Bradley Miller Fund
for Hope Hospice & Palliative Care Rhode Island
DonateDr. Eric Bradley Miller Fund
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Est. 2009 /
Organization Endowment
Community Preparatory School Flexible Endowment Fund
for the School
DonateCommunity Preparatory School Flexible Endowment Fund
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Est. 2009 /
Dominick J. Lepore Memorial Fund I
for Newport County Community Mental Health Center
DonateDominick J. Lepore Memorial Fund I
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Est. 2009 /
Field of Interest
Dominick J. Lepore Memorial Fund II
to support grantmaking of the Newport County Fund
DonateDominick J. Lepore Memorial Fund II
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Est. 2009 /
Organization Endowment
Bristol Historical & Preservation Society Helene L. Tessler Fund
Bristol Historical & Preservation Society Helene L. Tessler Fund
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Est. 2009 /
Willard and Marjorie Scheibe Designated Fund
for Providence Journal Children's Holiday Hope Fund, Providence Journal Summertime Fund, and Jonnycake Center of Peace Dale
DonateWillard and Marjorie Scheibe Designated Fund
Contribute to this fundRobert D. and Mary G. Mitchell Fund
Contribute to this fundRuggiero/Reinhardt Family Fund
Contribute to this fundLindsay T. Reed Fund for the East Side/Mt. Hope YMCA
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Est. 2009 /
Eleuterio, Anna, and Mary Raponi Memorial Fund
for Salvation Army-Rhode Island State Office
DonateEleuterio, Anna, and Mary Raponi Memorial Fund
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Est. 2009 /
Eric Ginsberg Memorial Scholarship Fund
for scholarships at East Bridgewater (MA) High School