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Donantes generosos han establecido fondos en la Fundación en beneficio de causas u organizaciones específicas; todos agradecerían su apoyo en cualquier cuantía.
Est. 2012 /
Roger Williams Baptist Church Endowment Fund
para Christ Community Church, Providence; American Baptist Churches of Rhode Island, Exeter; Canonicus Camp and Conference Center, Exeter; y Ministers Council of American Baptist Churches USA
DonarFondo de Dotación de la Iglesia Bautista Roger Williams
Contribute to this fundFondo Familiar Robert y Vicki Weisman
Contribute to this fundFondo para empresas químicas
Contribute to this fundFondo Cohen-Toon
Contribute to this fund
Est. 2012 /
Frank M. Stewart Fund
para Tougaloo (MS) College y Hope Hospice & Palliative Care Rhode Island
DonarFondo Frank M. Stewart
Contribute to this fundFondo Familiar Silver-Haspel
Contribute to this fund
Est. 2012 /
John Michael Crowley Memorial Scholarship Fund
para South Kingstown High School
DonarFondo de becas en memoria de John Michael Crowley
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Est. 2012 /
Judith M. & Henry M. Litchman Fund
para el apoyo general de Jewish Family Service, Providence, Rhode Island