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Donantes generosos han establecido fondos en la Fundación en beneficio de causas u organizaciones específicas; todos agradecerían su apoyo en cualquier cuantía.
Leroy Archibald Basketball Memorial Scholarship Fund
to support Rhode Island high school seniors pursuing post-secondary education, who have played basketball during high school, with a preference for students from urban areas
DonarLeroy Archibald Basketball Memorial Scholarship Fund
Contribute to this fundThe Choir School of Newport County Endowment Fund
for the support of The Choir School of Newport County
DonarThe Choir School of Newport County Endowment Fund
Contribute to this fundHealthy R.I. Fund
Contribute to this fundJed Dixon Memorial Fund
for the support of Borders Farm Preservation Inc., Foster, RI
DonarJed Dixon Memorial Fund
Contribute to this fundRhode Island Yacht Club Educational Foundation Endowment Fund
for the support of Rhode Island Yacht Club Educational Foundation
DonarRhode Island Yacht Club Educational Foundation Endowment Fund
Contribute to this fundPamelee McFarland Murphy Fund
Contribute to this fund8 Oaks Memorial Scholarship
para ayudar a los residentes de Rhode Island que cursen estudios universitarios en una universidad de cuatro años y tengan necesidades económicas
Donarbeca en memoria de 8 Oaks
Contribute to this fundDr. Dorothy C. Fishman Fund
Contribute to this fundNee Zambrano Family Fund
Contribute to this fundScituate Ambulance and Rescue Corps Scholarship Fund
conceder becas a los residentes de Scituate, Rhode Island, que se matriculen en cursos de formación acreditados relacionados con los servicios médicos de urgencia
DonarFondo de Becas del Cuerpo de Ambulancias y Rescate de Scituate
Contribute to this fundJames K. and Anne F. Sunshine Scholarship Fund
conceder becas a estudiantes universitarios con una sólida formación académica que residan en Rhode Island y que hayan emigrado o cuyos padres hayan emigrado a este país