Strengthening local journalism one reporter at a time
Access to trustworthy and reliable sources of local news is essential to a functioning democracy. Through our Civic Leadership Fund, we've supported nonprofits that are strengthening local journalism.
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Mary and Alda Almeida Fund
July 07, 2023Capacity Building
Organizations of color leverage the power of collaboration
July 05, 2023Grants & Scholarships
For those expecting, equity is vital
July 03, 2023Grants & Scholarships
The Future of Food
June 09, 2023Grants & Scholarships
Building trust, confidence, and positive visions for the future
June 02, 2023Grants & Scholarships
"I finally have a bedroom and a bed..."
May 30, 2023Civic Leadership
Civic leadership in action
May 17, 2023Donors
Thoughtful Philanthropy
April 14, 2023Civic Leadership
A year later, recommendations become a reality
April 14, 2023Grants & Scholarships
Turning the instinct to care into a career
April 14, 2023Grants & Scholarships
Opening doors and minds for young men of color
April 10, 2023Civic Leadership