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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Colin Myers Memorial Fund
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Est. 2004 /
Organization Endowment
Narrow River Preservation Association/John Elder Dick Endowment Fund
Narrow River Preservation Association/John Elder Dick Endowment Fund
Contribute to this fundNewport Public Library Endowment Fund
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Est. 2004 /
North Smithfield - Class of 1971 Memorial Scholarship Fund
to North Smithfield High School for scholarships
DonateNorth Smithfield - Class of 1971 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Contribute to this fundOphelia Fund
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Est. 2004 /
Rick Phipps Memorial Fund
for NAR Academy at Columbia College in Partnership with the National Association of Realtors, Columbia, MO
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Est. 2004 /
Maria E. Pinheiro Memorial Scholarship Fund
for scholarships at East Providence High School
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Est. 2004 /
Lawrence Poole Jr. Scholarship Fund
for scholarships at Scituate High School
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Contribute to this fundPotter Family Fund
Contribute to this fundThomas A. Potter Fund
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Est. 2004 /
Lori A. Poulin Memorial Fund
to Tolman High School and Manatee Children's Services
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Est. 2004 /
Organization Endowment
Providence Center School/Charles E. Maynard Fund for the Future
for the School