
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 2004 / Donor Advised

Lewis D. Sorrentino Fund


Lewis D. Sorrentino Fund

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Est. 2004 / Organization Endowment

South County Garden Club of RI/Margaret Dunbar Fund


South County Garden Club of RI/Margaret Dunbar Fund

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Est. 2004 / Organization Endowment

South County Museum Rhode Island Red Endowment Fund

for the care of Rhode Island Reds at the Museum


South County Museum Rhode Island Red Endowment Fund

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Est. 2004 / Field of Interest

Station Nightclub Fire Children's Scholarship Fund

for scholarships to children of Station Nightclub Fire victims and survivors


Station Nightclub Fire Children's Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2004 / Designated

Alice Sullivan Memorial Fund

for scholarships from the Rhode Island Interscholastic League


Alice Sullivan Memorial Fund

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Est. 2004 / Designated

Michael E. Tellier Scholarship Fund

for the Boys & Girls Club of Cumberland-Lincoln


Michael E. Tellier Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2004 / Donor Advised

UBS Rhode Island Fund


UBS Rhode Island Fund

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Est. 2004 / Organization Endowment

Urban League of Rhode Island Scholarship Fund


Urban League of Rhode Island Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2004 / Designated

Raymond J. Loynds Memorial Fund

to Cumberland High School for scholarships


Raymond J. Loynds Memorial Fund

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Est. 2004 / Designated

Edmund and Janet Mauro Button Hole Scholarship Fund

for Button Hole for children's scholarships


Edmund and Janet Mauro Button Hole Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2004 / Field of Interest

Reverend Harry W. McIntire/Washington Oaks Youth Fund

for youth needs


Reverend Harry W. McIntire/Washington Oaks Youth Fund

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Est. 2004 / Designated

Nora Wood Moore Memorial Scholarship Fund

for scholarships to Tiverton High School graduates


Nora Wood Moore Memorial Scholarship Fund

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