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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Est. 2004 /
Guy and Ann Garofalo Family Fund
for Westerly Hospital, Westerly Public Library, and Westerly High School
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Est. 2004 /
Field of Interest
Aptaker Family Fund
for the health needs of low-income children
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Est. 2004 /
Organization Endowment
Aquidneck Land Trust Merritt Neighborhood Fund
for the Land Trust's community-based programs
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Est. 2004 /
Ronald D. Araujo Memorial Scholarship Fund
for scholarships from Tolman High School and Johnson & Wales University
DonateRonald D. Araujo Memorial Scholarship Fund
Contribute to this fundArts in Academics Grants Fund
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Est. 2004 /
Organization Endowment
Andrew Bell Scholarship Fund
to the Urban League of Rhode Island for scholarships
DonateAndrew Bell Scholarship Fund
Contribute to this fundBlackburn Family Fund
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Est. 2004 /
Field of Interest
George T. Blackburn & Susan H. Blackburn Fund
for Rhode Island's needy