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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Rallis Conover Family Fund
Contribute to this fundRhode Island Council for the Humanities Endowment Fund
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Est. 2005 /
Organization Endowment
RICH/Tom Roberts Humanities Ingenuity Prize Fund
for the Council's annual prize for creative achievement
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Contribute to this fundEileen Julie and Brittany Jaye Richardson Memorial Fund
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Est. 2005 /
Field of Interest
Paula M. Rivard Memorial Fund
for scholarships to single women for education beyond high school
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Est. 2005 /
Organization Endowment
Riverwood Endowment Fund
for the Riverwood Mental Health Service
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Contribute to this fundFlower Power Inc. Fund
Contribute to this fundNancy H. Gewirtz Fund For The Economic Progress Institute
Contribute to this fundRichard And Vera Gierke Family Fund
Contribute to this fundDoris Green Fund
Contribute to this fundGudoian Family Fund
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Est. 2005 /
Arnold H. Hahn, Jr. Memorial Fund
to support St. Patrick Church, Mary House Ministry for its annual holiday meal ministries