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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Est. 2005 /
Organization Endowment
Trinity/Oskar Eustis Endowment Fund for New Play Development
Trinity/Oskar Eustis Endowment Fund for New Play Development
Contribute to this fundTrinity/Tilles Family Endowment Fund
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Est. 2005 /
Field of Interest
Anne and Peter Damon Fund for Newport County
to support grantmaking of the Newport County Fund
DonateAnne and Peter Damon Fund for Newport County
Contribute to this fundR. M. Logan Hospice Fund
Contribute to this fundAlita C. Marks Endowment Fund
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Est. 2005 /
Cheryl Smith Mayhew Westerly High School Athletic Scholarship Fund
for an athletic scholarship at the school
DonateCheryl Smith Mayhew Westerly High School Athletic Scholarship Fund
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Est. 2005 /
Organization Endowment
Peace Dale Museum of Art and Culture Wallace Campbell III Endowment Fund
Peace Dale Museum of Art and Culture Wallace Campbell III Endowment Fund
Contribute to this fundFrederick J. & Ruth P. Newman Fund
Contribute to this fundVirginia W. Nyman Fund
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Est. 2005 /
Charlotte Orlowski-Eicher Memorial Fund
for Ohio University's College of Fine Arts, RI LISC Child Care Facilities Fund, and Sophia Academy