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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Est. 2007 /
Organization Endowment
Ray Rickman Fund for African Doctors
for Adopt a Doctor. Inc.
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Est. 2007 /
Organization Endowment
RIVMA Companion Animal Fund
for veterinary care for low-income pet owners
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Est. 2007 /
Field of Interest
Linda H. and Charles C. Newton Fund for Black Philanthropy
to support grantmaking of the Black Philanthropy Fund
DonateLinda H. and Charles C. Newton Fund for Black Philanthropy
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Est. 2007 /
Field of Interest
Edward C. and Audrey A. Clifton Fund for Black Philanthropy
to support grantmaking of the Black Philanthropy Fund
DonateEdward C. and Audrey A. Clifton Fund for Black Philanthropy
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Est. 2007 /
Field of Interest
Walter R. Stone Fund for Black Philanthropy
to support grantmaking of the Black Philanthropy Fund
DonateWalter R. Stone Fund for Black Philanthropy
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Est. 2007 /
Field of Interest
Beverly E. Ledbetter Fund for Black Philanthropy
to support grantmaking of the Black Philanthropy Fund