
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 2007 / Designated

Irving H. Levin Fund

to provide scholarships to needy or underprivileged children at Camp JORI, YMCA of Pawtucket, and San Miguel School


Irving H. Levin Fund

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Est. 2007 / Designated

Mary Ann Lippitt Memorial Fund

for the First Unitarian Church of Providence


Mary Ann Lippitt Memorial Fund

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Est. 2007 / Designated

Amaranth of RI Diabetes Fund

for Joslin Diabetes Center, Boston; Barton Center for Diabetes Education, Oxford, MA; and Hasbro Children's Hospital


Amaranth of RI Diabetes Fund

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Est. 2007 / Field of Interest

for the needs and aspirations of Blacks in Rhode Island; formerly the Black Philanthropy Fund


Black Philanthropy Bannister Fund

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Est. 2007 / Donor Advised

Bonnet-Eymard Family Fund


Bonnet-Eymard Family Fund

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Est. 2007 / Field of Interest

Anthony & Attilia E. Caran Fund

to help mentally or developmentally disabled individuals


Anthony & Attilia E. Caran Fund

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Est. 2007 / Designated

Roger B. Chapman Scholarship Fund

for Chariho Regional High School for scholarships for graduating Career and Technical Center students


Roger B. Chapman Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2007 / Designated

Holly Charette Scholarship Fund

to Cranston High School East and Coventry High School for scholarships


Holly Charette Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2007 / Designated

Daniel Brian Cohen Scholarship Fund

for Toll Gate High School, Warwick, for scholarships


Daniel Brian Cohen Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2007 / Field of Interest

Conservation Stewardship Collaborative Endowment

for long-term protection and stewardship of terrestrial, aquatic, coastal, estuarine and marine areas in Rhode Island


Conservation Stewardship Collaborative Endowment

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Est. 2007 / Field of Interest

Beatrice S. Demers Fund

to provide annual support for the Beatrice S. Demers Foreign Language Fellows Program


Beatrice S. Demers Fund

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Est. 2007 / Designated

Grace M. Eastwood Fund for the North Kingstown Free Library

for the library


Grace M. Eastwood Fund for the North Kingstown Free Library

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