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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Cornelia B. Sturgis Memorial Fund
for support of the Central Congregational Church, Providence, Rhode Island
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Contribute to this fundKaczmarek Family Fund
Contribute to this fundA donation to the Filomena Fund will be used by the fund’s advisors to make charitable gifts.
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Contribute to this fundKathy Plouff Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund
to support nursing scholarships for Rhode Island residents who attend accredited diploma, associate or baccalaureate degree nursing programs in the state of Rhode Island and who have completed one or more years of their program
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Contribute to this fundLily Galoob Memorial Scholarship Fund
for the support of South Kingstown High School, located in South Kingstown, Rhode Island, for students pursuing post-high school education
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Contribute to this fundBarbara L. Arnold Fund
Contribute to this fundTeatro ECAS Fund
Teatro ECAS presents classic and contemporary plays in Spanish, trains Latino actors and runs educational programs for all ages.
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Contribute to this fundElisha Project Fund
The Elisha Project focuses on bringing diverse communities together through service, sharing, teaching, and learning to impact all communities positively.
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Contribute to this fundHigher Ground International Fund
Advocating for, empowering, and providing life-changing services to Liberians and West African immigrants, refugees, and other marginalized communities.
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Contribute to this fundMixed Magic Theatre Fund
Bringing diverse stories and images to the stage through prose and song and building more literate and arts-active communities.
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Contribute to this fundMt. Hope Community Center Fund
Serving the Mt. Hope community, focusing on entrepreneurship, job skills and community health.
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Contribute to this fundOasis International Fund
Serving the African immigrant community and dedicated to long-term social exchange, cultural and economic development in Providence neighborhoods.