
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 2008 / Designated

Conrad-Nestor-Walsh Scholarship Fund

for South County Hospital, Wakefield, RI scholarships


Conrad-Nestor-Walsh Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2008 / Organization Endowment

Paul Cuffee School/Rosalind C. Wiggins Fund

for the School's Rosalind C. Wiggins Collection in the library media center


Paul Cuffee School/Rosalind C. Wiggins Fund

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Est. 2008 / Designated

Gregory Dubuc Memorial Scholarship Fund

for scholarships to College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA students


Gregory Dubuc Memorial Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2008 / Designated

Initiative for Nonprofit Excellence Fund

for nonprofit capacity building


Initiative for Nonprofit Excellence Fund

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Est. 2008 / Donor Advised

Cynthia M. Macarchuk Donor Advised Fund


Cynthia M. Macarchuk Donor Advised Fund

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Est. 2008 / Designated

Rose Grinnell Matteson Audubon Society of RI Fund

for the society for maintenance of Fisherville Brook and Wildlife refuge and Touisset Marsh


Rose Grinnell Matteson Audubon Society of RI Fund

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Est. 2008 / Designated

Charles E. and Agnes J. McCarthy Memorial Scholarship Fund

for scholarships to Rogers High School, Newport, RI


Charles E. and Agnes J. McCarthy Memorial Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2008 / Designated

Norman E. McCulloch, Jr. and Dorothy Rooke McCulloch Fund for St. John's Church

for St. John's Church, Barrington


Norman E. McCulloch, Jr. and Dorothy Rooke McCulloch Fund for St. John's Church

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Est. 2008 / Designated

Lester F. Morse & Beatrice R. Morse Memorial Fund

for The Easter Seal Society of Rhode Island


Lester F. Morse & Beatrice R. Morse Memorial Fund

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Est. 2008 / Donor Advised

Ellen S. Murphy Memorial Fund


Ellen S. Murphy Memorial Fund

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Est. 2008 / Field of Interest

NSG Education Fund in Memory of Ellen S. Murphy

for The Newport County Fund for its grant making in education


NSG Education Fund in Memory of Ellen S. Murphy

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Est. 2008 / Donor Advised

Oliver Fund
