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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Est. 2009 /
John and Grace Murphy Fund for Youth
for support of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Providence for the Fox Point clubhouse
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Contribute to this fundHarold B. Werner Scholarship Fund
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Est. 2009 /
Robin M. Hergott ('83) Living Tribute Fund
for Lincoln School for its Upper School Lambrequins and hand-bell ringers
DonateRobin M. Hergott ('83) Living Tribute Fund
Contribute to this fundRichard and Sandra Oster Charitable Fund
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Est. 2009 /
Field of Interest
Lorraine S. Bliss, Lewis I. Gross, Sophia S. Gross and Rosetta L. Horowitz Memorial Fund
for Jewish community charitable organizations in and serving greater Providence
DonateLorraine S. Bliss, Lewis I. Gross, Sophia S. Gross and Rosetta L. Horowitz Memorial Fund
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Est. 2009 /
Organization Endowment
Kingston Hill Gardeners Fayerweather Grounds Endowment Fund
for maintenance of the park and grounds at Fayerweather House
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Est. 2009 /
John and Elaine Mayer Fund for the Rhode Island Zoological Society
for Roger Williams Park Zoo
DonateJohn and Elaine Mayer Fund for the Rhode Island Zoological Society
Contribute to this fundBubba Fund
Contribute to this fundFriends of Rogers Free Library Endowment Fund
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Est. 2009 /
Organization Endowment
Narrow River Preservation Association/Robert Leeson, Jr. Endowment Fund