
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 2010 / Donor Advised

Mary Ethier Frappier Fund


Mary Ethier Frappier Fund

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Est. 2010 / Field of Interest

Willard and Marjorie Scheibe Nursing Scholarship Fund

for the support of nursing scholarships


Willard and Marjorie Scheibe Nursing Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2010 / Donor Advised

Liz and Jack McDonald Fund


Liz and Jack McDonald Fund

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Est. 2010 / Donor Advised

Hope L. and David M. Hirsch Fund


Hope L. and David M. Hirsch Fund

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Est. 2010 / Designated

Charles H. Gardiner Memorial Fund

for Shawomet Baptist Church, Warwick


Charles H. Gardiner Memorial Fund

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Est. 2010 / Designated

Ron Schoepfer Memorial Fund

for Meeting Street for The Grace School


Ron Schoepfer Memorial Fund

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Est. 2010 / Designated

Jean H. and Stanley E. Auslander Fund

for Lincoln School


Jean H. and Stanley E. Auslander Fund

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Est. 2010 / Organization Endowment

Pawtuxet Valley Preservation and Historical Society Fund


Pawtuxet Valley Preservation and Historical Society Fund

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Est. 2010 / Donor Advised

Bernadette and Douglas Bernon Charitable Fund


Bernadette and Douglas Bernon Charitable Fund

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Est. 2010 / Donor Advised

Susan F. Gonsalves Charitable Fund


Susan F. Gonsalves Charitable Fund

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Est. 2010 / Field of Interest

Madeline Standish Fund

for the support of writers and artists


Madeline Standish Fund

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Est. 2010 / Organization Endowment

North Providence High School Scholarship Fund

for graduating seniors at the high school


North Providence High School Scholarship Fund

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