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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Mary Ethier Frappier Fund
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Est. 2010 /
Field of Interest
Willard and Marjorie Scheibe Nursing Scholarship Fund
for the support of nursing scholarships
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Contribute to this fundLiz and Jack McDonald Fund
Contribute to this fundHope L. and David M. Hirsch Fund
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Est. 2010 /
Charles H. Gardiner Memorial Fund
for Shawomet Baptist Church, Warwick
DonateCharles H. Gardiner Memorial Fund
Contribute to this fundRon Schoepfer Memorial Fund
Contribute to this fundJean H. and Stanley E. Auslander Fund
Contribute to this fundPawtuxet Valley Preservation and Historical Society Fund
Contribute to this fundBernadette and Douglas Bernon Charitable Fund
Contribute to this fundSusan F. Gonsalves Charitable Fund
Contribute to this fundMadeline Standish Fund
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Est. 2010 /
Organization Endowment
North Providence High School Scholarship Fund
for graduating seniors at the high school