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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Looking Upwards Endowment Fund
Contribute to this fundStarkweather & Shepley Charitable Fund
Contribute to this fundNorman Bird Sanctuary Support Fund
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Est. 2010 /
Wood Memorial Scholarship Fund
for scholarships for Cumberland High School graduates
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Contribute to this fundJohn and Jane Corbishley Fund
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Est. 2010 /
Field of Interest
Ellen and Harry Smith Fund
for the care and assistance of the blind and the crippled
DonateEllen and Harry Smith Fund
Contribute to this fundMary B. Lawrence Fund
Contribute to this fundViola M. Dascoli Fund
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Est. 2010 /
Virginia and Thomas Soutter Fund for Dorcas Place
for Dorcas Place Adult and Family Learning Center
DonateVirginia and Thomas Soutter Fund for Dorcas Place
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Est. 2010 /
Maxwell Mays Audubon Society Fund
for the Audubon Society of Rhode Island