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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Vera deNicola Fund for Animal Welfare
for the care, including veterinary care, of abandoned and needy, dogs, cats, horses, and other creatures of the animal kingdom
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Contribute to this fundJacqueline and Simon Nemzow Neurodegenerative Caregivers Support Endowment (S.A.E.)
Jacqueline and Simon Nemzow Neurodegenerative Caregivers Support Endowment (S.A.E.)
Contribute to this fundJacqueline and Simon Nemzow Neurodegenerative Caregivers Support Endowment (M.A.N.)
Jacqueline and Simon Nemzow Neurodegenerative Caregivers Support Endowment (M.A.N.)
Contribute to this fundPickard Family Fund
Contribute to this fundBarry and Kathleen Hittner Fund
Contribute to this fundTech10 Technology Scholarship Fund
for scholarship(s) for Rhode Island student(s) pursuing an education or training in the field of technology, including university, college, junior college, vocational/trade school, and/or certificate programs
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Contribute to this fundOrth Family Fund
Contribute to this fundOperation Clean Government Fund
for the support of civics education, non-partisan candidate schools, and/or government reform efforts
DonateOperation Clean Government Fund
Contribute to this fundVarnum Continentals Endowment Fund
for the support of the Varnum Continentals
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Contribute to this fundTrinity/The Magaziner Fund
Contribute to this fundWomen's Education Fund
To enable women to further their education within a broad framework; support not limited to the established secondary or higher institutions of learning