
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 2010 / Designated

Bernard V. Buonanno Classical High School Fund

for Classical High School


Bernard V. Buonanno Classical High School Fund

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Est. 2010 / Designated

Anthony J. Serio Scholarship Fund

for Westerly High School


Anthony J. Serio Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2010 / Donor Advised

Lillian Chason Memorial Fund


Lillian Chason Memorial Fund

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Est. 2010 / Field of Interest

RIGHA Foundation Fund

to support healthcare in Rhode Island


RIGHA Foundation Fund

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Est. 2010 / Organization Endowment

Looking Upwards Endowment Fund


Looking Upwards Endowment Fund

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Est. 2010 / Donor Advised

Starkweather & Shepley Charitable Fund


Starkweather & Shepley Charitable Fund

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Est. 2010 / Organization Endowment

Norman Bird Sanctuary Support Fund


Norman Bird Sanctuary Support Fund

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Est. 2010 / Designated

Wood Memorial Scholarship Fund

for scholarships for Cumberland High School graduates


Wood Memorial Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2010 / Donor Advised

John and Jane Corbishley Fund


John and Jane Corbishley Fund

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Est. 2010 / Field of Interest

Ellen and Harry Smith Fund

for the care and assistance of the blind and the crippled


Ellen and Harry Smith Fund

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Est. 2010 / Donor Advised

Mary B. Lawrence Fund


Mary B. Lawrence Fund

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Est. 2010 / Field of Interest

Viola M. Dascoli Fund

for disadvantaged children


Viola M. Dascoli Fund

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