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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Est. 2011 /
Rogers High School Class of 1961 Scholarship Fund
for Rogers High School
DonateRogers High School Class of 1961 Scholarship Fund
Contribute to this fundBoyajian Family Fund
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Est. 2011 /
Organization Endowment
Friends of the Pawtucket Public Library Flexible Endowment Fund
Friends of the Pawtucket Public Library Flexible Endowment Fund
Contribute to this fundFriends of the Pawtucket Public Library Endowment Fund
Contribute to this fundJune Rockwell Levy Foundation
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Est. 2011 /
Field of Interest
Clean Competition Fund
for education, outreach, and projects related to performance enhancing substances
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Est. 2011 /
Field of Interest
for "beyond grantmaking" activities to influence important issues
DonateSteinberg Civic Leadership Fund
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Est. 2011 /
Organization Endowment
Alice Codding Endowment Fund for Cumberland Public Library
Alice Codding Endowment Fund for Cumberland Public Library
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Est. 2011 /
Emily J. Anthony Fund
for the benefit of the inhabitants of the towns of Richmond and Exeter, RI, and for the educational needs of worthy, deserving children in the towns of Richmond and Exeter