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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 2011 / Organization Endowment

Howard G. Sutton Endowment for Crossroads Rhode Island


Howard G. Sutton Endowment for Crossroads Rhode Island

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Est. 2011 / Donor Advised

Carter Fund

Est. 2011 / Designated

Ron Margolin and W. Lynn McKinney Scholarship Fund for GLTQ Youth

for GLTQ undergraduates at the University of Rhode Island and Brown University


Ron Margolin and W. Lynn McKinney Scholarship Fund for GLTQ Youth

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Est. 2011 / Designated

Hale House Endowment Fund

for the South Kingstown Land Trust for the maintenance of Hale House


Hale House Endowment Fund

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Est. 2011 / Field of Interest

Kenneth P. Flint Fund

for children in need in Rhode Island


Kenneth P. Flint Fund

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Est. 2011 / Designated

Sarah and Harold Libby Scholarship Fund of the Chopin Club

for the organization to award scholarships


Sarah and Harold Libby Scholarship Fund of the Chopin Club

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Est. 2011 / Organization Endowment

Lincoln School Education Fund


Lincoln School Education Fund

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Est. 2011 / Designated

Harold R. Bannister Fund

to University of Massachusetts Dartmouth for scholarships and to Fall River High School Alumni Scholarships


Harold R. Bannister Fund

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Est. 2011 / Organization Endowment

Brother Lawrence Goyette, FSC Scholarship Fund

for San Miguel School


Brother Lawrence Goyette, FSC Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2011 / Donor Advised

Charles & Nancy Dunn Family Fund


Charles & Nancy Dunn Family Fund

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Est. 2011 / Donor Advised

Diane D. Geaber Memorial Fund


Diane D. Geaber Memorial Fund

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Est. 2011 / Organization Endowment

Dutch Island Lighthouse Endowment Fund

for the Dutch Island Lighthouse Society


Dutch Island Lighthouse Endowment Fund

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