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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Stevenson Brown Porter Fund
for Brown University and Vermont Academy for scholarships
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Contribute to this fundFrances L. Macartney Porter Fund
for short-term post-secondary education for single parents
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Contribute to this fundCumberland Grange Endowment Fund for Cumberland Public Library
Cumberland Grange Endowment Fund for Cumberland Public Library
Contribute to this fundThomas and Katherine B. Perry Fund
for the Audubon Society of Rhode Island
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Contribute to this fundJeanne Risica Fund for Art Education

“New Urban Arts is the perfect fit for Jeanne,” says John Risica, whose sister, artist Jeanne Risica, died in December 2010, shortly after her first solo show in New York’s Chelsea neighborhood. “They work with kids that might never be exposed to the arts. This will be Jeanne's legacy.” A fund for New Urban Arts, John explained, will “promote the energy of my sister rather than the dollar value of her work.”
“It is our belief that when you give something away it just keeps coming back to you,” says John. “With this fund, we will remember Jeanne in the charitable spirit that she lived her life.”
Contribute to this fundRhode Island Association for Justice Endowment Fund
Contribute to this fundRicci Family Fund
Contribute to this fundPeace Dale Museum of Art and Culture Education Fund
for the Museum's student education programs
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Contribute to this fundAmelia Daggett Sheffield Fund
for St. Mary's Home for Children, North Providence