
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 2012 / Designated

NC Klein Jazz Scholarship Fund

for the Rhode Island Philharmonic Music School


NC Klein Jazz Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2012 / Designated

Frances Waterhouse Richmond Fund

for Hasbro Children's Hospital and RI Zoological Society


Frances Waterhouse Richmond Fund

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Est. 2012 / Designated

Scituate Scholarship Fund

for the Scituate School Department for scholarships


Scituate Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2012 / Designated

Robert L. and Kathleen B. Crudup Family Scholarship Fund

for Portsmouth High School


Robert L. and Kathleen B. Crudup Family Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2012 / Designated

Hans L. Kuster Fund

for the Providence Art Club


Hans L. Kuster Fund

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Est. 2012 / Organization Endowment

South County Habitat for Humanity Endowment Fund


South County Habitat for Humanity Endowment Fund

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Est. 2012 / Organization Endowment

Considine Family Fund at the Groden Center


Considine Family Fund at the Groden Center

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Est. 2012 / Designated

John H. Reardon, Jr. Fund

for Medway (MA) High School


John H. Reardon, Jr. Fund

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Est. 2012 / Field of Interest

Jalbert Family Fund for Education

for the education of needy children, elementary through high school


Jalbert Family Fund for Education

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Est. 2012 / Field of Interest

Jalbert Family Fund for Basic Human Needs

for Rhode Islanders' basic human needs


Jalbert Family Fund for Basic Human Needs

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Est. 2012 / Donor Advised

Clover Fund

Est. 2012 / Field of Interest

LIFEcycle Endowment Fund

for organizations offering treatments for people with cancer in RI


LIFEcycle Endowment Fund

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