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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Est. 2012 /
NC Klein Jazz Scholarship Fund
for the Rhode Island Philharmonic Music School
DonateNC Klein Jazz Scholarship Fund
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Est. 2012 /
Frances Waterhouse Richmond Fund
for Hasbro Children's Hospital and RI Zoological Society
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Est. 2012 /
Scituate Scholarship Fund
for the Scituate School Department for scholarships
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Est. 2012 /
Robert L. and Kathleen B. Crudup Family Scholarship Fund
for Portsmouth High School
DonateRobert L. and Kathleen B. Crudup Family Scholarship Fund
Contribute to this fundHans L. Kuster Fund
Contribute to this fundSouth County Habitat for Humanity Endowment Fund
Contribute to this fundConsidine Family Fund at the Groden Center
Contribute to this fundJohn H. Reardon, Jr. Fund
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Est. 2012 /
Field of Interest
Jalbert Family Fund for Education
for the education of needy children, elementary through high school
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Est. 2012 /
Field of Interest
Jalbert Family Fund for Basic Human Needs
for Rhode Islanders' basic human needs
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Contribute to this fundClover Fund
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Est. 2012 /
Field of Interest
LIFEcycle Endowment Fund
for organizations offering treatments for people with cancer in RI