
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 2013 / Donor Advised

Dimock Fund

Est. 2013 / Donor Advised

Denby Family Fund for Public Art in Providence


Denby Family Fund for Public Art in Providence

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Est. 2013 / Field of Interest

Jeanne Marie Mehmed Fund

for the support of animal welfare and animal rescue programs


Jeanne Marie Mehmed Fund

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Est. 2013 / Designated

Frank J. Raponi Memorial Fund

for The Smile Train


Frank J. Raponi Memorial Fund

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Est. 2013 / Donor Advised

AAA Northeast Charitable Fund


AAA Northeast Charitable Fund

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Est. 2013 / Designated

Newell D. Goff Fund

for the support of the Newell D. Goff Education Center at the Rhode Island Historical Society


Newell D. Goff Fund

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Est. 2013 / Field of Interest

Frieda Dengal Fund

to support medical research, provide scholarships for students studying to become nurses and other medical professionals, and assist children in need to obtain a quality education and health care, especially dental and eye care


Frieda Dengal Fund

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Est. 2013 / Field of Interest

Samuel J. and Esther Chester Medical Research Fund

to support medical research with a preference for research in the areas of cancer or pain management


Samuel J. and Esther Chester Medical Research Fund

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Est. 2013 / Field of Interest

Della Fusco Merrill Memorial Fund

for assisting the elderly and/or children in need


Della Fusco Merrill Memorial Fund

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Est. 2013 / Field of Interest

Ginger, Sheba and Susie Carr Fund

for Rhode Island organizations assisting animals in need, with particular emphasis on organizations which provide "no kill" shelters for animals, train seeing eye dogs, and which train dogs to assist individuals who have handicaps other than blindness


Ginger, Sheba and Susie Carr Fund

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Est. 2013 / Designated

Lombard John Pozzi Historical Preservation Fund

for the Bristol Historical and Preservation Society


Lombard John Pozzi Historical Preservation Fund

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Est. 2013 / Designated

Alfred and Mary Kosowski Fund

for a University of Rhode Island student seeking a graduate degree in the behavioral sciences


Alfred and Mary Kosowski Fund

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