
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 2013 / Organization Endowment

Temple Habonim Endowment Fund


Temple Habonim Endowment Fund

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Est. 2013 / Donor Advised

Linda A. Steere and Edward R. DiLuglio Fund


Linda A. Steere and Edward R. DiLuglio Fund

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Est. 2013 / Organization Endowment

Washington County Veterans Council Endowment Fund


Washington County Veterans Council Endowment Fund

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Est. 2013 / Donor Advised

Bhikhaji Maneckji Fund


Bhikhaji Maneckji Fund

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Est. 2013 / Organization Endowment

Friends of Canonchet Farm Endowment Fund


Friends of Canonchet Farm Endowment Fund

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Est. 2013 / Donor Advised

Imperial 718 Fund


Imperial 718 Fund

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Est. 2013 / Designated

Preservation Society of Pawtucket Fund

for the Joseph Spaulding House


Preservation Society of Pawtucket Fund

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Est. 2013 / Organization Endowment

Herreshoff Marine Museum Endowment Fund


Herreshoff Marine Museum Endowment Fund

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Est. 2013 / Designated

Paul D. Lynch Scholarship Fund

for scholarships at Westerly, Stonington, and Chariho high schools; camperships at Ocean Community YMCA; and a United Way initiative in Westerly to improve literacy


Paul D. Lynch Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2013 / Organization Endowment

Brown Fund for Emmanuel Church


Brown Fund for Emmanuel Church

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Est. 2013 / Organization Endowment

Baum Fund for Emmanuel Church


Baum Fund for Emmanuel Church

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Est. 2013 / Organization Endowment

Rhode Island 4-H Club Foundation Memorial Fund

for the Club


Rhode Island 4-H Club Foundation Memorial Fund

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