
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 2014 / Organization Endowment

Chopin Club Endowment Fund


Chopin Club Endowment Fund

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Est. 2014 / Designated

Sgt. Maxwell R. Dorley Memorial Fund

for Crossroads Rhode Island


Sgt. Maxwell R. Dorley Memorial Fund

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Est. 2014 / Designated

William H. Heisler III Fund

for United Way of Rhode Island


William H. Heisler III Fund

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Est. 2014 / Donor Advised

Dorothy Carol Mitchell Charitable Fund


Dorothy Carol Mitchell Charitable Fund

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Est. 2014 / Organization Endowment

Rhode Island National Guard Living Memorial Care and Maintenance Fund


Rhode Island National Guard Living Memorial Care and Maintenance Fund

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Est. 2014 / Designated

Kathryn Johnson Jazz Scholarship Fund

for Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra and Music School


Kathryn Johnson Jazz Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2014 / Donor Advised

Providence Journal Holiday Fund


Providence Journal Holiday Fund

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Est. 2014 / Donor Advised

Dan Levinson RI Fund


Dan Levinson RI Fund

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Est. 2014 / Donor Advised

Allio Fund

Est. 2014 / Donor Advised

Kathy and Brian MacLean Fund


Kathy and Brian MacLean Fund

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Est. 2014 / Organization Endowment

Sister Angela Daniels & Reverend Daniel Trainor Fund for the Genesis Center


Sister Angela Daniels & Reverend Daniel Trainor Fund for the Genesis Center

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Est. 2014 / Donor Advised

Susan and Jim Garlington Fund


Susan and Jim Garlington Fund

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