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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 2014 / Organization Endowment

College Crusade Believe Fund


College Crusade Believe Fund

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Est. 2014 / Organization Endowment

College Crusade Legacy Fund


College Crusade Legacy Fund

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Est. 2014 / Donor Advised

Terry A. Meyer Fund


Terry A. Meyer Fund

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Est. 2014 / Designated

James Donaldson Scholarship Fund

for Tolman High School, Pawtucket, RI


James Donaldson Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2014 / Designated

Sinclair Family Fund

for Foster Forward


Sinclair Family Fund

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Est. 2014 / Donor Advised

Malcolm Farmer III and Susan L. Farmer Fund


Malcolm Farmer III and Susan L. Farmer Fund

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Est. 2014 / Organization Endowment

Button Hole Endowment Fund


Button Hole Endowment Fund

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Est. 2014 / Organization Endowment

Boys and Girls Clubs of Providence Operational Fund


Boys and Girls Clubs of Providence Operational Fund

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Est. 2014 / Donor Advised

Fund of the Providence Shelter for Colored Children


Fund of the Providence Shelter for Colored Children

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Est. 2014 / Designated

for Cranston High School West


Brian Moretti Scholarship Fund

Brian Moretti

“Brian had hundreds of friends, really close friends. In a professional way, he got people on his team and, in a personal way, he was everyone’s best friend,” Michael Moretti says of his late brother, a 2005 graduate and hockey standout at Cranston High School West who died in March 2014 from a cardiomyopathy at age 26.

“Almost immediately (after Brian’s death) people were talking about having a hockey tournament and starting a scholarship fund,” Michael relates.

“To establish a fund where annually we can pay tribute to Brian’s legacy and also pay it forward to a student like him is great,” Michael states. The Brian Moretti Scholarship is awarded to graduating seniors at Cranston High School West who are in good academic standing, demonstrate consistent involvement in sports, perform community service, and are upstanding citizens and role models in the school community.

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Est. 2014 / Organization Endowment

AIA Rhode Island / DF Pray Scholarship Fund


AIA Rhode Island / DF Pray Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2014 / Organization Endowment

AIA Rhode Island Scholarship Fund


AIA Rhode Island Scholarship Fund

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