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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 2014 / Designated

Gary Metz Fellowship for Photography Fund

for the Gary Metz Fellowship for Photography at the Center for Creative Photography, Tucson, AZ


Gary Metz Fellowship for Photography Fund

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Est. 2014 / Organization Endowment

Pennfield School Endowment Fund


Pennfield School Endowment Fund

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Est. 2014 / Organization Endowment

Friends of Beechwood/North Kingstown Endowment Fund


Friends of Beechwood/North Kingstown Endowment Fund

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Est. 2014 / Organization Endowment

Barrington Christian Academy Scholarship Fund


Barrington Christian Academy Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2014 / Donor Advised

Brickle Group Charitable Fund


Brickle Group Charitable Fund

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Est. 2014 / Donor Advised

Elaine and Barry Fain Family Fund


Elaine and Barry Fain Family Fund

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Est. 2014 / Donor Advised

Harvey Family Fund


Harvey Family Fund

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Est. 2014 / Donor Advised

MacKeen Family Fund


MacKeen Family Fund

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Est. 2014 / Organization Endowment

Newman Congregational Church John F. and Dorothy H. Conley Family Scholarship Fund


Newman Congregational Church John F. and Dorothy H. Conley Family Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2014 / Donor Advised

McCleary Family Fund


McCleary Family Fund

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Est. 2014 / Designated

Hevey-O'Rourke Scholarship Fund

for Tolman High School, Pawtucket, RI


Hevey-O'Rourke Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2014 / Organization Endowment

Veterans Memorial Auditorium Endowment Fund


Veterans Memorial Auditorium Endowment Fund

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