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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Peter and Barbara Thornton Fund
Contribute to this fundRichard R. and Anne B. Jordan Fund
for the support of the Rhode Island Community Food Bank
DonateRichard R. and Anne B. Jordan Fund
Contribute to this fundLeslee J. Clement Scholarship Fund
for the support of Hope High School, Providence, Rhode Island for scholarship(s) for graduating senior(s), with demonstrated financial need, to pursue post-secondary education, with a preference for, but not limited to, African American student(s)
DonateLeslee J. Clement Scholarship Fund
Contribute to this fundFSRI Go Team Endowment Fund
for the support of Family Service of Rhode Island, Inc. for the Go Team program
DonateFSRI Go Team Endowment Fund
Contribute to this fundAnthony Lyceum Library Association Fund
for the support of Coventry Public Library Foundation
DonateAnthony Lyceum Library Association Fund
Contribute to this fundDowntown Providence Park Network Endowment Fund
for the support of Downtown Providence Park Network
DonateDowntown Providence Park Network Endowment Fund
Contribute to this fundCottelle Memorial Fund
for the support of Hopehealth Hospice & Palliative Care
DonateCottelle Memorial Fund
Contribute to this fundAmanda Choiniere Bee Kind Fund
for the support of Adoption Rhode Island to provide activities that bring together siblings separated by foster care or adoption to promote bonding and healing experiences
DonateAmanda Choiniere Bee Kind Fund
Contribute to this fundGuillette Family Legacy Fund
Contribute to this fundChristelis Classical & Renaissance Arts Prize
for the support of Providence Country Day School
DonateChristelis Classical & Renaissance Arts Prize
Contribute to this fundThe Bergs Fund
Contribute to this fundYouth in Action Endowment Fund
for the support of Youth in Action