
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 2015 / Organization Endowment

Audubon Society of Rhode Island Endowment Fund


Audubon Society of Rhode Island Endowment Fund

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Est. 2015 / Donor Advised

Wax-Cali Philanthropic Fund


Wax-Cali Philanthropic Fund

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Est. 2015 / Designated

Eunice and Rubin Zeidman Fund

for the Sandra Bornstein Holocaust Education Center Fund


Eunice and Rubin Zeidman Fund

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Est. 2015 / Organization Endowment

Redwood Library RIF Endowment Fund


Redwood Library RIF Endowment Fund

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Est. 2015 / Organization Endowment

Edward E. Ford Foundation/Class of 2015 Endowment for Faculty Compensation Fund

for Providence Country Day School


Edward E. Ford Foundation/Class of 2015 Endowment for Faculty Compensation Fund

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Est. 2015 / Organization Endowment

Sojourner House Endowment Fund


Sojourner House Endowment Fund

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Est. 2015 / Organization Endowment

Child & Family - Townsend Planned Giving Fund


Child & Family - Townsend Planned Giving Fund

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Est. 2015 / Field of Interest

Mary M. Juskalian Fund

for preparing middle and secondary students for admission to and success in post-secondary education


Mary M. Juskalian Fund

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Est. 2015 / Donor Advised

Kim and Howard Sutton Fund


Kim and Howard Sutton Fund

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Est. 2015 / Organization Endowment

Sudi Cumming '63 Women in the Global Economy Fund

for Lincoln School


Sudi Cumming '63 Women in the Global Economy Fund

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Est. 2015 / Designated

Roland Paris Fund

for the Woonsocket Rhode Island Young Men's Christian Association and Community Care Alliance


Roland Paris Fund

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Est. 2015 / Designated

Lila K. Mullins Fund

for Brown University School of Medicine for its research and work relating to autoimmune skin diseases and disorders


Lila K. Mullins Fund

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