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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Alice Williams Roe-Grenier Fund
Contribute to this fundHeritage Harbor Foundation Fund
Contribute to this fundConstance Kane Tucker Fund
Contribute to this fundGreta and Mac Fund
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Est. 2014 /
Organization Endowment
Sister Angela Daniels & Reverend Daniel Trainor Fund for the Genesis Center
Sister Angela Daniels & Reverend Daniel Trainor Fund for the Genesis Center
Contribute to this fundSusan and Jim Garlington Fund
Contribute to this fund
Est. 2014 /
Chariho-Westerly Animal Rescue League Legacy Fund
for Stand Up for Animals
DonateChariho-Westerly Animal Rescue League Legacy Fund
Contribute to this fundBelmont Chapel Preservation Endowment Fund
Contribute to this fund
Est. 2014 /
Organization Endowment
Dominique Velociter Founder's Endowment Fund
for the French American School of Rhode Island