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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Bristol Warren Education Foundation Endowment
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Est. 2015 /
Organization Endowment
Trinity/Michael and Donna Lee Gennaro Fund of the Fund for Trinity Repertory Company
Trinity/Michael and Donna Lee Gennaro Fund of the Fund for Trinity Repertory Company
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Est. 2015 /
Field of Interest
Paul A. Berchielli Memorial Fund
to support Rhode Island's natural environment, with a preference for coastal preservation
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Contribute to this fundConley Family Charitable Fund
Contribute to this fundHebert Family Fund
Contribute to this fundSt. Martin's Church Endowed Pledges Fund
Contribute to this fundBisaccia-Naparstek Charitable Fund
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Est. 2015 /
Roger Williams Park Endowment Fund
for the care and stewardship of Roger Williams Park
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Est. 2015 /
Jennifer Rivera Memorial Fund
for student activities at Roger Williams Middle School, Providence
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Est. 2015 /
Organization Endowment
Narrow River Preservation Association/Robert J. Gormley Endowment Fund