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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
South County Art Association Founder’s Fund
Contribute to this fundTemple Habonim Endowment Fund - Pollock Fund
Contribute to this fundTemple Habonim Endowment Fund - Zelkind Fund
Contribute to this fundAdams Public Library Flexible Endowment Fund
Contribute to this fundElizabeth Z. Chace Fund
Contribute to this fundLincoln School Celeste Cooper '64 Endowment
Contribute to this fundDorothy S. McCluskey Fund
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Est. 2016 /
Organization Endowment
Friends of the National Wildlife Refuges of Rhode Island Fund
Friends of the National Wildlife Refuges of Rhode Island Fund
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Est. 2016 /
Newman Congregational Church / Jeffrey Stephen Shank Memorial Scholarship Fund
for Newman Congregational Church
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Est. 2016 /
Kenneth J. and Hannah E. Dorney Fund
designated for seven organizations
DonateKenneth J. and Hannah E. Dorney Fund
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Est. 2016 /
Field of Interest
James C. Muldowney Fund
for charitable purposes in the Town of Narragansett, Rhode Island
DonateJames C. Muldowney Fund
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Est. 2016 /
Field of Interest
Sock/Myers Memorial Fund
to support Jewish education and family services in the Greater Providence, RI area