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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Fund for the Recruitment and Retention of Teachers of Color
to support the public education of pre-K through 12th grade students in Rhode Island through strategies and tactics related to the recruitment and/or retention of teachers of color
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Contribute to this fundEquity Leadership Endowment Fund
to support diversity, equity, inclusion, and/or the Equity Leadership Initiative
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Contribute to this fundDaugherty Family Fund
Contribute to this fundKrista Weller Burns Scholarship Fund for the Arts
for the Krista Weller Burns Foundation
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Contribute to this fundChildren's Shelter of Blackstone Valley Fund
for the support of children under the age of thirteen
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Contribute to this fundMichael T. Keefe Youth Aviation Fund
for EAA Aviation Foundation Inc. for scholarships for student participants in aviation camp
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Contribute to this fundNeil J. Houston, Jr. Memorial Endowment Fund
for Justice Assistance
DonateNeil J. Houston, Jr. Memorial Endowment Fund
Contribute to this fundCoach PZs Scholarship Fund
Contribute to this fundClassical Enrichment Fund
Contribute to this fundRoss Family Fund
Contribute to this fundSaul A. Silverman Endowment Fund of IODA
for the International Organization Development Association