
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 1959 / Designated

Katharine F. Hubbard and Josephine H. Williams Fund

for the RI Chapter American Cancer Society and United Way of Rhode Island


Katharine F. Hubbard and Josephine H. Williams Fund

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Est. 1959 / Designated

Alice Gertrude Lothrop Lincoln Fund

for five Woonsocket agencies


Alice Gertrude Lothrop Lincoln Fund

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Est. 1959 / Unrestricted

Louisa D. Sharpe Metcalf Fund


Louisa D. Sharpe Metcalf Fund

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Est. 1959 / Field of Interest

Phebe Parker Fund

for heart or cancer research


Phebe Parker Fund

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Est. 1959 / Unrestricted

Elizabeth Robinson Fund


Elizabeth Robinson Fund

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Est. 1958 / Unrestricted

Edgar J. Lownes Memorial Fund


Edgar J. Lownes Memorial Fund

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Est. 1958 / Unrestricted

Albert R. Plant Fund


Albert R. Plant Fund

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Est. 1958 / Field of Interest

Church House Fund

toward assistance for needy persons


Church House Fund

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Est. 1956 / Unrestricted

Alice L. Moran Fund


Alice L. Moran Fund

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Est. 1956 / Unrestricted

Annie T. Perrin Fund


Annie T. Perrin Fund

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Est. 1956 / Designated

Henry A. Street Fund

for three agencies


Henry A. Street Fund

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Est. 1955 / Designated

Elmwood Church-Congregational Christian Fund

for Rhode Island Congregational Conference and the RI State Council of Churches


Elmwood Church-Congregational Christian Fund

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