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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Est. 1959 /
Katharine F. Hubbard and Josephine H. Williams Fund
for the RI Chapter American Cancer Society and United Way of Rhode Island
DonateKatharine F. Hubbard and Josephine H. Williams Fund
Contribute to this fundAlice Gertrude Lothrop Lincoln Fund
Contribute to this fundLouisa D. Sharpe Metcalf Fund
Contribute to this fundPhebe Parker Fund
Contribute to this fundElizabeth Robinson Fund
Contribute to this fundEdgar J. Lownes Memorial Fund
Contribute to this fundAlbert R. Plant Fund
Contribute to this fundChurch House Fund
Contribute to this fundAlice L. Moran Fund
Contribute to this fundAnnie T. Perrin Fund
Contribute to this fundHenry A. Street Fund
Contribute to this fund
Est. 1955 /
Elmwood Church-Congregational Christian Fund
for Rhode Island Congregational Conference and the RI State Council of Churches