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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Walter Simpson Fund
Contribute to this fundJulia P. Ward Fund
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Est. 1966 /
Field of Interest
Wildlife Conservation Fund
for preservation of wildlife and natural areas
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Est. 1966 /
Edith T. Cabot Fund
for Kent Hospital for general support of its Pawtucket location
DonateEdith T. Cabot Fund
Contribute to this fundArthur McCartney Fund
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Est. 1965 /
Al Morro Classical Varsity Club Scholarship Fund
for scholarships for male and female scholar athletes at Classical
DonateAl Morro Classical Varsity Club Scholarship Fund
Contribute to this fundElizabeth Ann Magee Memorial Fund
Contribute to this fundPetroleum Trust Fund
Contribute to this fundWalter G. Brown Fund
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Est. 1964 /
Field of Interest
Peyton R. Hazard Fund
support for services in Jamestown and Newport
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Contribute to this fundGeorge E. Smith Fund
Contribute to this fund
Est. 1963 /
Field of Interest
Mabel M. Woodward Fund - for healthcare orgs caring for incurables