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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 1971 / Unrestricted

Berry Family Fund


Berry Family Fund

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Est. 1970 / Designated

Sapinsley Family Foundation

for the Rhode Island College Foundation


Sapinsley Family Foundation

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Est. 1970 / Unrestricted

Herbert J. Wells Fund


Herbert J. Wells Fund

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Est. 1970 / Field of Interest

George W. Lothrop Fund

for services benefiting North Smithfield and Woonsocket


George W. Lothrop Fund

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Est. 1970 / Designated

Mary V. Palmer Memorial Fund

for the Senior Citizens Center in Newport


Mary V. Palmer Memorial Fund

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Est. 1970 / Designated

Providence Plantations Club Memorial Fund - for the Anne Crosby Emery Alumnae Fellowship Fund at Brown University


Providence Plantations Club Memorial Fund - for the Anne Crosby Emery Alumnae Fellowship Fund at Brown University

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Est. 1970 / Designated

Providence Plantations Club Memorial Fund - for Women's Fund of Rhode Island


Providence Plantations Club Memorial Fund - for Women's Fund of Rhode Island

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Est. 1969 / Unrestricted

Madeline Reynolds Memorial Fund


Madeline Reynolds Memorial Fund

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Est. 1969 / Unrestricted

Congdon Fund in Honor of the Congdon & Carpenter Company (1790-1987)


Congdon Fund in Honor of the Congdon & Carpenter Company (1790-1987)

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Est. 1968 / Field of Interest

Charles V. Chapin Fellowship Fund

for research on contagious diseases


Charles V. Chapin Fellowship Fund

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Est. 1968 / Unrestricted

Harold C. and May Noel Field Fund


Harold C. and May Noel Field Fund

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Est. 1968 / Designated

Julius and Jesse Richmond Palmer Fund

to support Beneficient Congregational Church, Providence; Kent Hospital; RI Hospital, and the United Way


Julius and Jesse Richmond Palmer Fund

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