
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 1984 / Field of Interest

Wilbur Fund

to benefit inhabitants of Little Compton

Est. 1983 / Designated

Evelyn Pierce Vories Fund

for support of the Hattie Ide Chaffee Home and Sophia Little Home


Evelyn Pierce Vories Fund

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Est. 1983 / Designated

Gladys W. and Raymond W. Mellor Fund

for the Greater Providence YMCA, the Church of the Transfiguration, Cranston, and the Edgewood-Pawtuxet Food Closet


Gladys W. and Raymond W. Mellor Fund

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Est. 1983 / Donor Advised

Newport Restaurant Group Fund


Newport Restaurant Group Fund

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Est. 1983 / Unrestricted

Patton Family Fund


Patton Family Fund

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Est. 1983 / Field of Interest

Jamestown Fund for the Performing Arts

for performing arts in Jamestown


Jamestown Fund for the Performing Arts

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Est. 1983 / Unrestricted

Amelia M. Kelley-Minnie E. Kelley Fund


Amelia M. Kelley-Minnie E. Kelley Fund

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Est. 1982 / Designated

Fruit Hill Women's Clubs Scholarship Fund

for scholarships to graduates of North Providence High School


Fruit Hill Women's Clubs Scholarship Fund

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Est. 1982 / Designated

Stanley and Florence Gairloch Fund

for the Audubon Society of Rhode Island and the Meeting Street Center


Stanley and Florence Gairloch Fund

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Est. 1982 / Field of Interest

Thomas P. Hazard Fund

for charitable needs relating to South Kingstown


Thomas P. Hazard Fund

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Est. 1982 / Field of Interest

Ladies Auxiliary of the Bristol Volunteer Fire Department Fund

for scholarships for children of Bristol firefighters


Ladies Auxiliary of the Bristol Volunteer Fire Department Fund

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Est. 1982 / Field of Interest

Commander Michael MacDonald Fund

toward programs for boys


Commander Michael MacDonald Fund

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