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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Est. 1986 /
Organization Endowment
Roger Williams Park Zoo Endowment Fund
for capital improvements at the Zoo
DonateRoger Williams Park Zoo Endowment Fund
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Est. 1986 /
Carolyn B. Haffenreffer Endowment Fund for the Providence Preservation Society
for the Society
DonateCarolyn B. Haffenreffer Endowment Fund for the Providence Preservation Society
Contribute to this fundBarbara M. Leonard Fund
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Est. 1986 /
Phebe McAlpine Shepard Fund in Memory of John Shepard II, Edward B. and Phebe W. McAlpine
Phebe McAlpine Shepard Fund in Memory of John Shepard II, Edward B. and Phebe W. McAlpine
Contribute to this fundHarold B. Soloveitzik Fund
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Est. 1986 /
Staples Family Fund
for Crossroads-Rhode Island and Rhode Island Community Food Bank
DonateStaples Family Fund
Contribute to this fundPeter and Sunny Toulmin Fund
Contribute to this fundFriends of Sakonnet Lighthouse Fund
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Est. 1985 /
John and Mary Wall Fund for the United Way
for the United Way of Rhode Island
DonateJohn and Mary Wall Fund for the United Way
Contribute to this fundMitchell Family Fund
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Est. 1985 /
Field of Interest
Rhode Island Arts Fund
for support of small and minority arts organizations