
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 2022 / Designated

Cranston High School East Class of 1972 Scholarship Fund

for support of Cranston High School East, Cranston, RI, for students pursuing post-high school education, including two and four year colleges, technical training schools/institutes and schools of vocational training


Cranston High School East Class of 1972 Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2022 / Designated

Soul of 1971 Scholarship Fund - Johnston High School

for support of Johnston High School, Johnston, RI for scholarships to students in the senior class with demonstrated financial need and attending an accredited two or four-year college or university and/or an accredited technical or trade school


Soul of 1971 Scholarship Fund - Johnston High School

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Est. 2022 / Designated

Elaine Dickstein Community Library Fund

for support of the Community Libraries of Providence located in Providence, RI, to improve equity and access at the libraries by enriching out-of-school time programming through educational materials, refreshments and other resources


Elaine Dickstein Community Library Fund

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Est. 2022 / Designated

Ric Saborio Memorial Scholarship Fund

for support of East Greenwich High School, East Greenwich, RI, for scholarships to students in the senior class who attend an accredited two or four-year college or university to study theater or education or take a gap year to travel


Ric Saborio Memorial Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2022 / Field of Interest

Rob and Susan Wilson Mental Health Fund

for the support of organizations and/or programs addressing behavioral health needs for youth


Rob and Susan Wilson Mental Health Fund

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Est. 2022 / Field of Interest

Ruth Church Memorial Fund

for support of the Rhode Island Community Grants Program or for organizations that support natural areas or libraries


Ruth Church Memorial Fund

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Est. 2022 / Organization Endowment

North Smithfield Heritage Association Fund

for support of the North Smithfield Heritage Association


North Smithfield Heritage Association Fund

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Est. 2022 / Designated

Greichen Family Scholarship Fund

for support of Rogers High School, Newport, RI, for graduating seniors with demonstrated financial need, in good academic standing, pursuing higher education at accredited two or four-year colleges or universities


Greichen Family Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2022 / Designated

Rougas-Quinn Family Fund

This fund supports camperships for students of the Annunciation-Greek Eastern Orthodox Church Greek Language School to attend Ionian Village Camp.


Rougas-Quinn Family Fund

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Est. 2022 / Organization Endowment

Anthony R. Leone Educational Programs Fund

for support of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Providence


Anthony R. Leone Educational Programs Fund

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Est. 2022 / Organization Endowment

Jane Scholarship Fund

for support of Lincoln School's endowed scholarships to enable a student with financial need to attend Lincoln School


Jane Scholarship Fund

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Est. 2022 / Organization Endowment

Warren Preservation Society Fund

for support of the Warren Preservation Society


Warren Preservation Society Fund

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