
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 1988 / Donor Advised

Lillian Cumming Streetscape Fund


Lillian Cumming Streetscape Fund

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Est. 1988 / Designated

Walter L. and Edna N. Davol Fund - United Way RI for services in East Providence


Walter L. and Edna N. Davol Fund - United Way RI for services in East Providence

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Est. 1988 / Unrestricted

Sylvia G. Donnelly Fund


Sylvia G. Donnelly Fund

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Est. 1988 / Unrestricted

ETCO, Inc. Fund

Est. 1988 / Donor Advised

Feibelman Family Fund


Feibelman Family Fund

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Est. 1988 / Donor Advised

BankNewport/OceanPoint Charitable Fund


BankNewport/OceanPoint Charitable Fund

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Est. 1987 / Designated

Mary L. Flanigan Fund

for nine named organizations


Mary L. Flanigan Fund

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Est. 1987 / Designated

James A. and Elizabeth K. Fletcher Fund - nine designated agencies


James A. and Elizabeth K. Fletcher Fund - nine designated agencies

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Est. 1987 / Unrestricted

Madeline P. Gamble Fund


Madeline P. Gamble Fund

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Est. 1987 / Designated

Girls Friendly Society of Rhode Island Fund

for support of the Society


Girls Friendly Society of Rhode Island Fund

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Est. 1987 / Designated

Grandparents Guild Fund

for support of the Providence Children's Museum


Grandparents Guild Fund

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Est. 1987 / Supporting Organization

Haffenreffer Family Fund

for charitable grantmaking


Haffenreffer Family Fund

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