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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Est. 1988 /
Walter L. and Edna N. Davol Fund - United Way RI for services in East Providence
Walter L. and Edna N. Davol Fund - United Way RI for services in East Providence
Contribute to this fundSylvia G. Donnelly Fund
Contribute to this fundETCO, Inc. Fund
Contribute to this fundFeibelman Family Fund
Contribute to this fundBankNewport/OceanPoint Charitable Fund
Contribute to this fundMary L. Flanigan Fund
Contribute to this fundJames A. and Elizabeth K. Fletcher Fund - nine designated agencies
Contribute to this fundMadeline P. Gamble Fund
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Est. 1987 /
Girls Friendly Society of Rhode Island Fund
for support of the Society
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Est. 1987 /
Grandparents Guild Fund
for support of the Providence Children's Museum
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Contribute to this fundHaffenreffer Family Fund
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Est. 1987 /
Annie Mary Livsey Fund
to the town of West Warwick to help defray the costs of maintaining the buildings that house the former Crompton Library so long as said building(s) house the Annie Mary Livsey Room and provide library, historical and/or educational programs