
Search All Funds

Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.

Est. 1990 / Organization Endowment

Barrington Congregational Church Fund


Barrington Congregational Church Fund

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Est. 1990 / Designated

Sara G. Beckwith Fund

for Rhode Island Hospital


Sara G. Beckwith Fund

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Est. 1990 / Designated

Harriet A. F. Claflin Fund

for the Central Congregational Church


Harriet A. F. Claflin Fund

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Est. 1990 / Organization Endowment

B. Jae Clanton Scholarship Fund of the Urban League of RI


B. Jae Clanton Scholarship Fund of the Urban League of RI

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Est. 1990 / Designated

Clark-Lyon Fund

for South County Hospital

Est. 1990 / Unrestricted

Olive B. DeWolf Fund in Memory of Paul Churchill DeWolf


Olive B. DeWolf Fund in Memory of Paul Churchill DeWolf

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Est. 1990 / Field of Interest

Dibble Memorial Fund

to benefit the physically or mentally handicapped


Dibble Memorial Fund

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Est. 1990 / Designated

Priscilla B. and Henry P. Eldredge Fund

for St. Luke's Church


Priscilla B. and Henry P. Eldredge Fund

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Est. 1990 / Designated

Rose Grinnell Matteson/Exeter Fund

for the town's fire fighting and rescue and library services


Rose Grinnell Matteson/Exeter Fund

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Est. 1990 / Donor Advised

Thomas P. and Katherine A. McHale Fund


Thomas P. and Katherine A. McHale Fund

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Est. 1990 / Designated

Arthur and Martha Milot Fund

for the United Way of Rhode Island


Arthur and Martha Milot Fund

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Est. 1990 / Designated

Judy Morse Scholarship Fund

for URI to support the RI School of Psychology Association


Judy Morse Scholarship Fund

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