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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Barrington Congregational Church Fund
Contribute to this fundSara G. Beckwith Fund
Contribute to this fundHarriet A. F. Claflin Fund
Contribute to this fundB. Jae Clanton Scholarship Fund of the Urban League of RI
Contribute to this fundClark-Lyon Fund
Contribute to this fundOlive B. DeWolf Fund in Memory of Paul Churchill DeWolf
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Est. 1990 /
Field of Interest
Dibble Memorial Fund
to benefit the physically or mentally handicapped
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Contribute to this fundPriscilla B. and Henry P. Eldredge Fund
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Est. 1990 /
Rose Grinnell Matteson/Exeter Fund
for the town's fire fighting and rescue and library services
DonateRose Grinnell Matteson/Exeter Fund
Contribute to this fundThomas P. and Katherine A. McHale Fund
Contribute to this fundArthur and Martha Milot Fund
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Est. 1990 /
Judy Morse Scholarship Fund
for URI to support the RI School of Psychology Association