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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Charles A. Collis Fund
Contribute to this fundCorliss Fund
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Est. 1991 /
Donor Advised
Developmentally Disabled & Retarded Special Needs Fund in Memory of Louise A. Shuster
Developmentally Disabled & Retarded Special Needs Fund in Memory of Louise A. Shuster
Contribute to this fundClaudia and Mary Howe DeWolf Fund
Contribute to this fundGeorge H. and Ruth E. Duggan Memorial Fund
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Est. 1991 /
Edward Leon Duhamel Scholarship Fund
for the Franklin Lodge of the Freemasons
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Contribute to this fundEllen R. Fuglister Fund
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Est. 1991 /
Field of Interest
Professor and Mrs. Elliot R. Goodman Fund
for food, shelter and medical assistance
DonateProfessor and Mrs. Elliot R. Goodman Fund
Contribute to this fundHarrison Barrows Huntoon Fund
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Est. 1991 /
Field of Interest
Lester B. and Linda D. Keats Fund
to support healthcare programs that address the needs of the indigent
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Est. 1991 /
Katherine Bryer Krueger Fund
for Rhode Island College for music major scholarships