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Generous donors have established funds at the Foundation to benefit specific causes or organizations; all would welcome your support in any amount.
Coleman B. Zimmerman Memorial Fund
Contribute to this fundAsbury United Methodist Church Fund
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Est. 1993 /
Organization Endowment
Barrington Christian Academy Endowment Fund
for scholarships at Barrington Christian Academy
DonateBarrington Christian Academy Endowment Fund
Contribute to this fundWalter L. and Edna N. Davol Fund - unrestricted
Contribute to this fundDensmore Scholarship Fund
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Est. 1993 /
Organization Endowment
Norman A. DesLauriers Memorial Fund
for Hope Hospice & Palliative Care Rhode Island
DonateNorman A. DesLauriers Memorial Fund
Contribute to this fundHildred F. Bamforth Fund
Contribute to this fundLeroy P. Cox Trust
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Est. 1992 /
Effie R. Fairley Fund
for the Mathewson Street United Methodist Church
DonateEffie R. Fairley Fund
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Est. 1992 /
Rev. Phyllis Morse Memorial Fund
for St. Paul's Episcopal Church for seminarians' education
DonateRev. Phyllis Morse Memorial Fund
Contribute to this fundBob and Terry Nugent Family Foundation
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Est. 1992 /
Mary and Pat O'Regan Fund
for Rhode Island College for the Mary and Pat O'Regan Scholarship